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Book IV - Return of the Mysteries
Page 4



The New Tong(s)

In 1992, with Shiva’s blessing, Artemis enrolled in The Temple of Velle, a break-away tong derived from a Solar Lodge derivative, Ordo Velle, that was founded by one Frater Mortis. He was a III° Master Magician of Solar Lodge who took an "opportunity" when the Lodge was dispersed and hiding under the radar of the F.B.I.

Mortis gained unauthorized access to the Solar Lodge document repository, grabbed copies of the Initiation and Information papers (all of them, including the IX°), jumped into his Karman Ghia, and drove to his hometown - where he promptly ran into the back of a truck and lost all of his front teeth! - An interesting example of instant karma.

Upon recovery, he opened a bookstore, where he sold books, promoted and administered initiations through Ordo Velle, collected money, bought land, and made the acolytes work long hours for free. He had learned all this by example from Capricornus.

Being III°, he knew about, and was able to administer, the first three degrees. But, even though he had the papers for the higher degrees, he encountered difficulties when trying to communicate their essence.

According to Frater Kuat, who was observing all this from a distance, people said, "Okay. What's next?" There was nothing next, that's what! People came, saw the show, and then left. But they kept doing this in a stream for many years.

In 1993, Mortis told Shiva, "You know, I have my own order. But, I assure you, it's pretty tame compared to the experiences that we had. Give me a call, and maybe we can get together for coffee some day."

Some of Mortis' students did the same thing to him. They stole the papers and went off and formed The Temple of Velle, where they promoted and administered initiations, collected money, bought land, and made the acolytes work long hours for free.

Artemis joined this degenerated tong Temple and received the 0°. She was then told to report every weekend to perform gardening tasks. After a few weeks of this, Artemis confronted the tongolites and said, "Hey! When are we going to do some Magick? You know, rituals and other spiritual activities?" She was told, "You're not ready for that yet." Artemis quit.

These organizations are still in existence and their names have been altered to protect the innocent and the guilty alike.



After that adventure, Artemis took three journeys to study with the Shamans of the Amazon River, completed her formal initiation into Peruvian Shamanism, studied under a 93-year old Hopi Elder Medicine Man (remember when you saw him in the opening scene of Dark Wind ?), and attended numerous "secret" North American rituals ...

... including the infamous Ghost Dance (remember Custer's Last Stand ?) and the Sun Dance (remember when you saw Richard Harris suspended in A Man Called Horse?).



The Commercial Ventures of Frater Estar

From 1992 to 2003, Frater Estar occupied himself with building and operating the Empowerment system that he had developed.

(< 1982 photo of Estar and his wife in front of his office).

He followed the principle of setting (extremely) high fees for his services. The system was StarLord and it was advertised, in full living color, on the inside back cover of several metaphysical magazines for years. He traveled, did Empowerments, and collected money.

Then he got married (again). His Mexican heritage did not sit well with the family of the wealthy European countess who became his new wife. Nevertheless, working together, he and his wife streamlined StarLord and renamed it StarLife. Then they moved to Hawaii, and ran StarLife for years. Journeys around the globe produced new empowerees in North and South America, Europe, and Asia.

Annually, they returned to San Diego, where Artemis and Shiva would visit with them at their hotel. Previously, Estar had refused to train students as "trainers" or "initiators" because he wanted to avoid the "renegade" issue wherein the authorized "trainers" did their own Empowerments (under contract with StarLife) and simply kept all of the fees for themselves. This is commonly known as the old embezzlement scam.

At their last visit, circa ±1997, Estar said that he had finally decided to initiate "trainers." Artemis then asked, "But you said you would never do that?"

Estar replied, "I'm just going to run it until it blows up!" (oops!).

It blew up. For a while, StarLife continued to operate in the usual manner. Then, one day Shiva received their latest glossy, full-color newsletter in the mail. It stated that Estar had departed for a six-month retreat in remote Mexico. A month after that an Announcement for Empowerments arrived (to be performed by his wife in Hawaii). After that, there was no more mail. A subsequent letter from Shiva, sent to Hawaii, came back marked "Addressee Unknown."

It is suspected that StarLife blew up, the marriage broke up, and Estar simply disappeared back into Mexico. The StarLife website, in December, 2005, stated:

"In 1987, during a mystical retreat, he received clairvoyantly the keys to call in the StarLife Energies. In 1990, together with his wife, he founded StarLife. During the nineties, he has traveled extensively, introducing StarLife to the US, Australia, Great Britain, Spain, Austria, Germany, Argentina, Mexico, Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Canada.

"After 10 years of extensive traveling and teaching, and following a strong inner prompt, he retreated to a more introspective lifestyle. He now spends most of his time between Mexico and USA."

Today, the StarLife website is no longer on-line. Estar remains incommunicado.


Frater Kuat's Incident

In San Diego, Shiva had been treating Kuat with acupuncture and herbs for several years. He was a methamphetamine addict of the highest sort. Where other people would sniff lines of the white powder, Kuat would inhale piles of it. Eventually it caught up with him, first in the form of losing all his teeth (common in methedrine users), and then in the form of a heart attack that left him with a 40% functional heart capacity. This was followed by a stroke that left him with slurred speech and a partially paralyzed right arm. His symptoms were treatable with acupuncture, and his speech smoothed out and he restored some minimal sensation and minor use to his arm.

In 2004, he began complaining about people living in his attic. He placed a video surveillance camera in the attic. Nobody was detected. This went on for a few weeks. Then one night he was found, wandering in a dazed condition, several blocks from his house "on the other side of the freeway." He was treated by doctors, given an actual "psychosis" diagnosis, and ended up in a nursing home. Shiva visited him there three times. He was distant. Deprived of his life-long reliance on drugs, he was depressed and seemed eager to end their short conversations.


The Last Spin around L.A.

In mid-2004, Shiva was in Los Angeles for a Karate tournament. He was no longer a competitor (tournament competition is not permitted after 50 years of age), but he had been trained as a tournament judge. With some free time on his hands, he took a drive through the old neighborhoods – all of them.

The original Solar Lodge properties on 30th Street had been demolished to make way for new apartment buildings. The Grand Solar Lodge, and adjacent mansions, on Menlo Avenue had been demolished to make way for new apartment buildings. The Acupuncture College in Los Angeles, that he had attended and eventually directed, had been demolished to make way for a hotel. The Acupuncture College in Santa Monica, that he had administered, had been demolished to make way for new office buildings.

Well, there would certainly be no more slumming around, visiting the sites of his earlier endeavors.


Escape from the Matrix

In 2005, Shiva had encountered certain information on, and insight into, the nature of Reality. You do believe in Reality, don't you?

He thereupon built a website program entitled, "This is your Escape from the Matrix."

Escape from the Matrix is a powerful examination of Reality and the Spiritual path. It contains mild forms of virtual reality. It has been viewed by several people, each of whom professed a shift in consciousness from the interaction.

As a public service message, Lightblazer wishes everyone to know that "You must not leave this program in its midst and go out into the marketplace – the induced altered consciousness brings about a temporary conflict with the environment. Please complete the program prior to externalizing."

Not many people are able to view the program. For one thing, it takes 1½ to 2 hours to get through it in a single setting. For another thing, the nature of this program is such that psychological resistance is evoked.

Let's skip the abstract and the overview. If you've got what it takes, you can enter the program yourself at


Summarium Est
This is the Summary

In Memoriam


D Frater Shem, member of the VIII°, engineer (who was the original discoverer of airborne radiation from Soviet Union nuclear testing), dental surgeon, grand architect of the Solar Ranch facility, and fugitive from the underworld, died peacefully in 1986 during an afternoon nap at his home in a remote location on San Juan Island, Washington. He was 56 years old.

D Soror Capricornus, Grand Master of Solar Lodge, the Guru who turned to materialism and (virtual) slavery, died in 1984 after drinking a secret elixir.

D Frater Sol, V°, retired high school-teacher (civics), the Court Jester and the Great Embarrassment of Solar Lodge, the husband of Capricornus, passed away 4 years after his wife.

D The infamous Dr. A, Master Mason, dental surgeon, potential restorer of the Nazi party - based on new, metaphysical insights, but on old, separatist, ideologies, passed away in 1997. He was 74 years of age.

D Muriel Isis Dorner, powerful magician and channel for the White Brotherhood, passed away in 1998. Her organization, The Lighted Way, manifested cyclically in the outer world for many years. Who can doubt but that she was indeed the Divine Mother?

D Mister White, The Rider on the White Horse, encountered amazing, bizarre adventures and passed away in 1998. He was 48 years of age. You might not believe what happened, but if you insist, look him up on the internet : <search: Pierre Levesque> Be prepared to have your foundations rattled.

D Jack Schwarz, well known and highly respected self-health educator, philosopher, author, and humanitarian, passed away on Sunday, November 26, 2000 at Mendocino Coast District Hospital at the age of 76. In 1958 he founded the Aletheia Institute. Jack continuously strove for compassion and excellence. This brought him to the attention of many famous people as well as the Smithsonian Institute, Esquire, the Langley Porter Institute, The Menninger Foundation, and the Mike Douglas and Steve Allen Shows. He was highly regarded by the scientific and medical communities for his work with self-regulation and autogenics. Jack’s greatest message, and one that he challenges us to continue, is Divine Love Realized.


In Honorarium or Dishonorarium

I Frater Taurus, member of the I°, supporter of Solar Lodge in its formative years of 1965-66, was the first member to go out the "front door" (even though he physically exited via the back door) by confronting the Guru. He told Capricornus that, " I love everyone, but I won't be coming around any more." Capricornus said, "You can't quit!" Taurus replied, "Oh no? Watch me!" He walked out, and went on to become an administrator for a large city. He is now retired and living in a rural location with his wife, a dog pack, and some chickens.

I Frater Mont, member of the III°, member of the 8th level of Star System, empowered at Level 3 of the Sirius Tibetan Wang (Empowerment lineage), Lord of the Aegyptian Armory, is (presumably) still living in Mexico, his native country. A long-time sustainer of Solar Lodge, he became the right-hand-man of the Lodge when Frater Shiva surrendered this position. A devoted supporter and sustainer of The Order of the Phoenix, the "inner order" of Star System, he went on to take the Oath of Magister, but refused to accept any students. A devoted supporter and sustainer of his family, he will do whatever it takes to keep the ball rolling.

I Frater Kuat, member of the III°, empowered at Level 3 of the Sirius Tibetan Wang (Empowerment lineage), the eternal party-maker, suffered certain physical vehicle disorders, but continued exuberant pharmaceuticalism and was finally diagnosed as psychotic (a condition that has been supplanted by chronic depression after total withdrawal from pharmaceutical dependence). He lives in a nursing home.

I Frater Estar, Master Mason, member of the 8th level of Star System, inherently empowered at Level 9 of the Sirius Tibetan Wang (Empowerment lineage), Master of the Enochian cosmology, founder of StarLord and StarLife - the cosmic energy activation system, is (presumably) still living in Mexico, his native country - while (presumably) frequenting the USA. He is currently unreachable and remains incommunicado.

I Frater Lightblazer, channel for the White Lodge, member of the 8th level of Star System, although he takes no formal students, is empowered at Level 4 of the Sirius Tibetan Wang (Empowerment lineage), and is retired from the computer-programming profession. Although he is a cosmic change-agent in the spiritual realm, he is essentially a conservative, stable person in the outer world. Nonetheless, he abandoned the establishment for a lengthy period of time, and participated in the great game of Initiation and High Adventure. He lives near the Pacific coast in California.

I Soror Artemis, former Minerval in The Temple of Velle, member of the 8th level of Star System, empowered at Level 6 of the Sirius Tibetan Wang (Empowerment lineage), formally initiated Shamanic Healer (Peruvian lineage), Doctor of Divinity and ordained minister, founder of the Temple of the Desert Star, lives in New Mexico. She accepts a few apprentices without fees.

I Frater Shiva, member of the IX°, former Grand Secretary General of Solar Lodge, member of the 9th level of Star System, empowered at Level 9 of the Sirius Tibetan Wang (Empowerment lineage), The Voice of Arcania, is living in New Mexico and is retired, although he still teaches Karate and Tai Chi.


You can see the Sabian Astrological Horoscope for Sirius Star System by clicking this Line

Star System no longer accepts students, except for those seeking Sirius Empowerments. However, we will be pleased to answer your questions that you may email to:



In Revelation

Many Initiates have been trained in only a single system. Sometimes their understanding of concepts and practices is limited. Sometimes they are actually stuck in misconceptions.

We invite you to peruse The Appendix, which is an Encyclopedia aimed at the destruction of partial understanding and false concepts. (The hyperlink is below at the end of this page).



Sure. Why not?

The original Tong has faded into secluded obscurity.

Mont, Lightblazer, Taurus, Estar, Kuat, Shiva, and Artemis have endured.

Perhaps they will encounter further Adventures.

We hope you have enjoyed these True Tales of Initiation and High Adventure.
Reduced considerably in size from the original manuscripts


We now return full control of consciousness to your mind.

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The Photo Gallery

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The Appendix - In Revelation
