The Dog Star.
Sirius is located in the constellation called Canis Major (the "Big Dog").
It can be seen from almost every inhabited region of the Earth's surface.It is intimately linked to the constellation Orion.
Star Light! .Star Bright!
The name Sirius comes from the Latin Sirius, which means "glowing." It is situated near the heart of Canis Major, therefore it is known as the "Dog Star."
The Chinese know it as the "Wolf Star." Among the North American Indians, it is variously known as "a dog that follows mountain sheep," and "Dog-face." The Cherokee paired Sirius with Antares as a dog-star guardians of both ends of the "Path of Souls." The Pawnee Wolf tribe knew it as the "Wolf Star," while other branches know it as the "Coyote Star." The Alaskan Inuit call it "Moon Dog." ..Everyone, everywhere, seems to agree: It is a canine icon!
What appears to our eyes as a single star is actually a large binary star system, consisting of a bright white main star, named Sirius A, and a faint white dwarf star, named Sirius B.
Sirius B can be seen in the photo above - it is below and to the left of Sirius A.Sirius B is invisible to the unaided eye, but it condenses nearly the entire mass of our sun into a tiny globe that is 7,500 miles across - just about the same size as Earth.
Sirius B's surface is 300 times harder than a diamond and its interior density is 3,000 times greater than that of a diamond. A matchbox full of Bs core would weigh approximately 50 tons.
It spins on its axis 23 times a minute, thus generating massive, powerful, magnetic fields.
Sirius A and Sirius B move around each other once every fifty years (49.9), when they come as close together as their orbits allow, creating huge magnetic storms between them. As they approach each other, the stars both begin to spin faster and actually trade places with each other, with vast amounts of energy released to flow on magnetic field lines to our Sun, which then transmits it to all the planets.
History and Mythology
Many cultures have attached special significance to Sirius.
The Sumerian Civilization predated the Aegyptians. It is said that, at one time in the distant past, they could manifest anything simply by thinking (creating) it into existence. But they became greedy and, alas, that power was lost and they sank into primitive materialism.
In Sumer, their epic poem of Gilgamesh describes a dream of Gilgamesh where he is drawn to a heavy star that cannot be lifted despite immense effort. Gilgamesh had 50 oarsmen as his companions in his great ship, Argo, which is a constellation next to Canis Major.
Astronomically, Sirius was the foundation of the Aegyptian calendar and its religious system. It was held to be the embodiment of Isis, the wife and consort of Osiris - He who appeared in the sky as what we today call the constellation Orion.
Siriuss association with the Aegyptian system is primarily through the earliest sources that connect their beliefs with a race of colonizers, whose origins are historically obscure but around whom a whole mythology has evolved. Sometimes called Ancient Astronauts, and other times Atlanteans, their magical system has filtered down to us through the ages.
The Ancient Aegyptians called Sirius the "Dog Star," after the god Osiris, whose head in very early pictograms resembled that of a dog. In Aegypt, Sirius shines for most of the summer, and since it is such a bright star, they believed that the additional light was responsible for their summer heat. Of course, this is not true; but the phrase, "The dog days of summer," comes from this ancient belief.
The heliacal rising (the first night that Sirius is seen just before dawn) of this star came in July, at the time of the annual flooding of the Nile and the start of the Aegyptian New Year. Thus it was linked with fertility and growth.
Sirius had another link with water - it was believed to cleanse the pharaoh in the afterlife, for the embalming procedure of the dead took seventy days - the same amount of time that Sirius was not seen in the sky before its annual rising.
Astronomy and Deep SpaceThe Great Nebula in Orion can be found with the unaided eye.
It is just below and to the left of the easily identifiable belt of three stars in the popular constellation Orion:
As Above - So Below
The three "belt stars" of Orion are reflected on earth in the placement of the Pyramids of Giza. The Giza plateau is "ground zero" for Earth's reality program, being:
(1) "The Center of the Earth," that is - the geographical center of our planet's land mass when compared to the water mass, and
(2) "The Primary Meridian," that is - the "first" ley line in the planetary electromagnetic grid, which has five major "meridians" that are separated by 72 degrees, as recognized by ancient cultures and their placement of megalithic monuments.
The current worldwide time and navigation grid places the "prime meridian" over an observatory at Greenwich, England - Not because of any link with reality, but merely due to British egotism.
The "belt stars" overshadow the pyramids.
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Orion, the Big Dog, the Bears, the Dragon
and The Great PyramidThe pyramids appear to have been built in the 5th Dynasty (circa 2500 BC), yet they contain a coded time alignment that points to 10,500 BC, a date that repeatedly appears in conjunction with the Sphinx and with many other prehistoric megalithic structures elsewhere upon the Earth.
The actual date of construction of the pyramids remains uncertain, for there is evidence upon their sides that they have been submerged under water, more than once, thus putting their true age way outside the annals of recorded history.
The Great Pyramid contains several chambers and four "ventilation shafts." But the shafts were not used for "ventilation" because they were solidly blocked with stone doors that had copper handles.
Assuming that the shafts were "keys" that were placed in order to reveal stellar alignments to later generations, a modern supercomputer was put to work to find any point in history when the shafts pointed directly to major stars.
There was only one date that qualified: 10,500 BC, a date that repeatedly appears in conjunction with the Sphinx and is coded into other megaliths that are located in many other places.
The ("ventilation") time-line shafts aligned (in the prehistoric 106th century BC) with significant, major stars in the Big Dog, Orion, the Dragon, and Ursa Minor (known to us today as "the Little Dipper").
Thuban was the pole star at this remote point in time.
The Dogon
Who are the Dogon, and why do they have a name that contains "Dog".?
The Dogon are a West African, cliff-dwelling tribe that are believed to be of Egyptian decent whose astronomical lore goes back thousands of years. They have known about, and worshipped Sirius A and its twin, the invisible Sirius B, for the past 5,000 years. Also, they have long been aware of the planets circling our sun in elliptical orbits, the four moons of Jupiter, and the rings of Saturn.
The Dogon state that, approximately 5,000 years ago, amphibious gods, the Nommos, came to Earth in space ships from the Sirius Star System.
They landed on Earth in an "ark" that made a spinning decent to the ground with great noise and wind. It was the Nommos that gave the Dogon their knowledge about Sirius B and the planets in our own solar system.
The Dogon have described perfectly the DNA-like pattern made by the elliptical orbit of the two Sirius stars as they rotate around each other. (>)
They say that Sirius B is invisible, very small, immensely heavy, yet extremely powerful. Their understanding of the 50-year cyclical orbits of the two stars coincides exactly with modern astronomical findings, and yet they knew this thousands of years before it was recently proven by modern science.
They believe Sirius to be the axis of the universe, and from it all matter and all souls are produced in a great spiral motion.
Sirius is a BLUE-white star. Blue is the color of electricity. Reality is created by electromagnetic energy.
Alien entities from Sirius were allegedly BLUE. The Alien-Royalty Theory states that "Bluebloods" are descended from this race of priest-kings who originally ruled in Atlantis and later in India, Sumeria and Aegypt.
Sirius and Terra
The ancient traditions tell us that our solar system was seeded from Sirius, which means that cosmic impulses and travelers went out from there a very long time ago. The early Aegyptian myths and legends, the oldest earth teachings available to us, are of paramount importance in these matters.
The Sirius Star System has a specific function relative to what we call "quantum leaps" in evolutionary development.
This ties in with issues of "missing links," particularly in the task of adding a new dimension of intelligence to primitive beings. Of course, Sirius is not alone in the performance of this function, for it seems that other stars can also act as transmuting agents (e.g., Pleiades).
In Aegypt, the Pleiades represented Nuit, the "Divine Mother and "Lady of Heaven."
The larger and brighter Sinus A represented Isis, while the smaller dwarf star, Sirius B, known to ancient peoples as the Eye Star, was Osiris, these two forming one of the earliest recorded sets of divine twins.
There have been many esoteric lineages here on Earth and the majority of them have been revived in one form or another in recent decades. However, most of them are derived from the nature of our planet itself and are therefore totally parochial, except for the Aegyptian system that is capable of acting as a gateway to both the old Atlantean magic and its Siriun predecessor.
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