Book IV - Return of the Mysteries
Page 3.
An Internal Aegyptian Adventure
1992 - El Cajon, CA
Shiva had been experiencing a slight pain, a chronic ache, in his left mid-abdominal region. With no physical basis for this ailment, he decided to go within and seek its source. What he found was rooted in Ancient Aegypt; a "past life" presented in amazing clarity and wonder.
However, before we get into the details of this drama, let's define the "reincarnation" phenomenon. The subject of "Past Lives" (reincarnation, previous existences, etc.) always surfaces with students. Here is how the concept is explained :
"There is no doubt that many people have inner, historical experiences that they often interpret as a past life. These experiences have several, possible explanations:
- They are direct memories, stored in the causal body (soul) of the person, and 'remembered' here and now in their present incarnation. Such memories imply unfinished business or karma.
.- They are racial memories, transmitted in the DNA from ancestors (parents, grandparents, etc.) and brought to the surface of consciousness in the here and now. Such memories also imply unfinished (family, tribal, or racial) business or karma.
.- They are universal memories, inscribed upon the etheric fabric of time and space (the so-called Akashik Record.) by historical persons. They are not linked directly to any person, but merely 'picked up' (envisioned or experienced) by a person, just as if one were involved in an attention-grabbing movie. Such memories also imply unfinished (universal) business or karma because if you can perceive it, then it's part of your consciousness, and (sorry about this) you are responsible for it!
.- They are repressed complexes, (usually) gained during childhood traumas, wherein the issue was never resolved, but just faded away to be stored (repressed) in the subconscious mind. Later in life, the complex arises into the conscious mind, overlaid and mixed with "memories" of historical settings or the personas of figures from myths and fairy tales. Such memories also imply unfinished (psychological) business or karma.
.- They are hallucinations and illusions. People who have these experiences are dangerous and are to be avoided. They are often associated with the Devil and they are distinctly evil. They are to be reported to the authorities, and any means can be used to discredit them. A visit to the psychiatrist is indicated.
. . . . . . This 'reaction' to the concept of reincarnation implies the presence of a religious fundamentalist
. . . . . . .with the mind of a brick; they too have to deal with their own karma.
.- It really doesn't matter which explanation you choose to believe, because the general metaphysical theory is that past lives are recapitulated in succeeding lifetimes. Thus, the karma (cause & effect) of a previous existence (Direct, DNA, or Akashik) gives rise to similar experiences that transfer the effect to the present person, usually in childhood, that unravel over a lifetime. Spiritual or Psychological take your choice!"
Now, Shivas spiritual recollection is Aegyptian. Its "memory" is long, detailed and documented.
It is auspicious when one has "memories" of prior circumstances, and then those events can be found (confirmed) in historical records. See Great Grandfather Crowley's identification with Ankh-af-na-Khonsu, the Priest of the Princes, circa 500 BC, and his synchronistic confirmation ("proof") via artifacts mysteriously found by him in the Cairo Museum.
Shiva's memory was that of a very high-ranking soldier, and Vizier (Wazir or Viceroy) under several Pharaohs during a time of Cosmic Changeover from dynasties XVII to XVIII. This was also the source of the pain in his abdomen. Here is a brief historical review :
Intermediate Period II (Dynasties XIII to XVII: 1650-1550 BC)
Ruled by the Pharaohs, Sobekemsaf, Intef VII, Tao I, Tao II, and Kamose.With the decline of the 13th Dynasty, Egypt lost its military power. Asian nomads had free entrance into a country which they considered a land of wealth and abundance.
Most of these Asians settled and became traders, farmers or craftsmen, but at least one of them, Khendjer, became a King. By the end of the 13th Dynasty, the Eastern Delta was populated with mostly Asians.
During the early 2nd Intermediate Period, a group of Asians, known as the Hyksos, established their own dynasties in Egypt. Little is known about their origins, or about the way they gained control over large parts of Egypt. It is commonly assumed that they invaded Egypt and overtook it by force.
By whatever means the Hyksos came into power in Egypt, they were largely accepted throughout the country as the ruling dynasty. They did, however, tolerate other dynasties to coexist with their own. At the end of the second Intermediate Period, the 17th Dynasty was ruled by an Egyptian house in Thebes. These were "The Lords of Thebes."
Around 1550 BC, the 17th Dynasty first started opposing the dominion of the Hyksos kings. A battle is dated to the reign of Kamose (son of Seqenenre Tao II). Two stelae commemorate Kamose's struggle against the Hyksos and their vassals. But, it would be Kamose's younger brother and successor, Amosis, who would finally succeed in overthrowing the Hyksos. With his reign, a new period of prosperity and wealth would begin : the New Kingdom.
Now it was Shivas intention, in his little book, to relate the details of his unearthed "memory." But even as he was writing his book, even as he was merely looking at
......... . ..... .<SEARCH: Egypt "17th Dynasty">.
the following posted history made the top of the results list. .And this despite the fact that he had researched the same material for years without sighting a single, historical reference that would back-up or confirm that "memory" he had experienced. He reviewed this document and he found that it would be convenient for him to say,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Hey! Look! They wrote (inscribed) this story about me!". **** Do not purchase securities on the stock exchange based on this information.
The Beginning of the XVIIIth Dynasty and The New Kingdom
Details of the fall of Avaris are given in an inscription engraved on the wall of a tomb at El-Kab belonging to a warrior named 'Ahmose, Son of Abana.' Early in life, this person replaced his father Baba (Abana), who had served under Sekenenre (Seqenenre or Tao II, the penultimate pharaoh of the XVII.th Dynasty).
His own long military career started under pharaoh Amosis, when the king sailed north to attack the enemy. Promoted from one ship to another on account of his bravery, he fought on foot in the presence of his sovereign. On several occasions he received as a reward not only his male and female captives, but also the decoration known as the "Gold of Valor." The siege of the Hyksos fortress appears to have been no easy matter. This was followed by another siege, lasting no less than three years, at Sharuhen, a place in the south-west of Palestine mentioned in the Book of Joshua. This appears to have been the limit of Amosis's campaign in the Palestinian direction, for he had still to cope with usurpers in Nubia.
His brave henchman from El-Kab accompanied him everywhere, and he records a great slaughter in all the battles, plus further rewards to himself, including some fields in his own city.
Amosis's son and successor Amenophis I continued his father's policy, but with a difference. Up to this time the aim had been merely to restore Egypt within its legitimate borders, but now sprang up the desire 'to extend the boundaries.' The preoccupation of Amenophis was mainly with Nubia, in the campaign against which the warrior from El-Kab again took a distinguished part. Ahmose, the son of Abana, claims to have convoyed the king upstream and later, after the capture of the enemy chieftain, brought his royal master back to Egypt in two days. If this was true, the king himself could not have ventured very far afield. In this reign we encounter for the first time the title "King's Son of Cush." Already under Amosis, the future viceroy Turi is found as "Commandant of Wady Halfa." Under Amenophis he is described as "King's Son," an epithet to which was subsequently added "Overseer of Southern Lands."
Though his real name was 'Ahmose' (and 'Turi' only a nickname), there is no reason to think that either he or any other holder of the title was really a son of the reigning Pharaoh.
The Hyksos episode was not without effecting certain changes in the material civilization of Egypt. The most important of these was the adoption of the strong compound Asiatic bow, and the introduction of the horse and the horse-drawn chariot which played so large a part in the later history of the country.
At the death of Amenophis I (c. 1528 BC), the New Kingdom was well set on its course, and there followed more than a century and a half of unbroken prosperity. Thebes was paramount among the cities of Egypt, and Amen-Ra, the principal deity at Karnak, at last vindicated his right to the title 'King of the Gods' which he had borne for so long.
The first official act of the next pharaoh, Tuthmosis I, was to send a prescript announcing his accession to Turi, who was still Viceroy in Nubia; in this he set forth at length the titulary by which he wished to be known, and which was to be used in connection with all offerings Turi might make to the gods, as well as in oaths to be sworn in his name.
A sober account to the campaign is given by our friend 'Ahmose of El-Kab' (Turi) himself, who related how he navigated the king's fleet over the rough Nile water when His Majesty, raging like a panther, transfixed the enemy chief's breast with his first arrow and carried him off to Thebes hung head downwards at the prow of the royal ship. A greater feat of arms was the expedition which penetrated across the Euphrates into Nahrin, the territory of the king of Mitanni, where a commemorative stelê was set up. A great slaughter was made and many prisoners taken. Turi, the veteran from El-Kab again took part, receiving a handsome reward in return for the horse and chariot which he had captured. On the journey back the king celebrated his success with an elephant hunt in the swampy region of Niy, near Apamea in Syria.
What a great
story ! .Almost the proportion of myth.
Now, according to Shivas
memory, let's fill in the details :
Artis and Turi were brother and sister, born into a noble house of one of the Lords of Thebes. Their father was stern and efficient. Turi inherited those qualities. He grew up and became the right-hand man of the pharaoh. Turis forces (led in his name and often under his direction) defeated many of the invaders and made possible the beginning of the new age (Dynasty XVIII The New Kingdom), in which Turi was a popular and honored dignitary.
Turis noble house, as well as the rest of the Lords of Thebes, were patrons of the Temple of Amoun-Ra (Amen-Re).
Amoun-Ra is basically a Jupiterian deity. It was the Priests of Jupiter who were the Chaldean imposters who stole the 13-day calendar and substituted the 12:60 ratio in 3187 BC at the beginning of recorded history.
His sister, however, left the fold and became a Priestess in the Temple of Isis. Now Isis, although held in high regard, was a competitor of Amoun-Ra. This became a big problem when it was discovered that Turi was visiting (and later living with) his sister over in Isis's territory.
This was normal Aegyptian (as well as European) procedure. The bloodlines must be kept pure, so one married one's relatives.
This was unthinkable, but they (the Amoun-Ra priests - the tong masters) couldn't do much to him as he was very powerful, and a buddy of the pharaoh no less.
Eventually, all of the invaders were defeated, the New Age began, and things got quieter. Political bondings shifted, and the priests of Amoun-Ra decided it was time to teach Turi a lesson for consorting with the (religious) enemy. He was summoned to the Temple. As he entered, the doors were sealed behind him. He knew then what was coming, for he had witnessed it many times. It was their intention to seize and castrate him.
Tough luck for them, but he had his ever-present sword with him. He cut down or disabled the perpetrators, unsealed the door, and left the Temple.
As he was walking away, down near the river, a soldier appeared. Turi was getting older, and the soldier was faster, his sword penetrating Turis left, mid-abdominal region. Nonetheless, Turis sword found the soldiers neck, and he did not survive. Severely wounded, Turi lay in the muddy bank of the Nile until he was discovered and taken home. He lasted about three days with his weeping sister/wife holding his hand most of the time.
As his life force gradually ebbed away, Turi rose up from his body. Before him the timeline of Aegypt stretched away in two directions. He looked down upon the Pylons of Maat, present, past, and future, and then their illusion faded completely as he was absorbed into an energetic bliss.
And in El Cajon, California, Shivas preoccupation with Ancient Aegypt faded away (although he retained his occupation with the Great White Lodge on Sirius and with the Avatar of Synthesis). The pain in his abdomen miraculously vanished, and he passed into the next phase of his life.