© 2006 by Star System, Tomé, NM
In Revelation
Concepts Relative to Initiation and Empowerment
Page 4
The Four Elements
Elements, Four The four elements are relegated to the four directions. The "usual" western correspondences are
- fire-red-south
- air-yellow-west
- water-blue-north
The number four is supposed to be solid, practical, and fixed. However,
each culture seems to have its own version of these directions and correspondences,
for example: The Mayan arrangement, >
In fact, the four element system is slippery, malleable, and unstable due its ability to be manipulated. One may conveniently utilize the four directions, as long as one "agrees" with one's self about the correspondences.
Beware of the tendency to pick one set of correspondences, saying, "This is the true four-element configuration, and all others are in error."
The Five Elements
Elements, Five The five elements are sometimes relegated to the four directions, plus one called Aethyr in the center. Aethyr is defined as "the matrix, or space, within which the four elements manifest."
The problem with this arrangement is the same instability we encountered with the four elements nothing has changed, except a fifth "element" has been added to the center.
< The five elements can also be arranged in a pentagonal fashion. The problem with this arrangement is that it usually cannot be harnessed and used for practical purposes. The typical placement of the elements is arbitrary.
For efficient practicality, we must look to the
Chinese version >
They call their system the five phases, implying that there is only one Qi, one energy, that undergoes five consecutive and recurring transformations (phases). The order of transformation is exact.
The five phases are :
- fire-red-consciousness
- earth-yellow-mass (the physical body)
- metal-white-mind ( western air is the same as the Chinese metal )
- water-blue-will
- wood-green-emotions
This system stands supreme for interpreting phenomena in nature and in human beings, especially when used for medical diagnosis and treatment.
These are the basic, five-phase correspondences:
Overshadowing The initiate (of the A\A\) is required to perform the practice known as Assumption of god-forms, that involves the building (visualization) of an (astral) image of an Ancient Aegyptian god.
This practice is not limited to Aegyptian gods The image of a god-form of any deity from any culture may be used.
That image is then superimposed over the astral body of the initiate, resulting in the initiate "assuming" the god-form and thereby "assuming" the consciousness and powers of that particular god.
A similar result occurs from the proper design of an Invocation: In the first part of the invocation, the deity is described, verbally and through visualization; in the final part of the invocation, the initiate becomes the deity and thereby "assumes" the consciousness and powers of that particular god.
Both of these practices (assumption and invocation), if successful, are forms of overshadowing.
When a channel (medium) is "channeling," there are three distinct modes of delivery:
(1) The channel telepathically "hears" a message from a source and (verbally or by inscription) repeats the message; this is similar to repeating a conversation one is having on a telephone.
(2) The channel "transmits" a message and (verbally or by inscription) delivers it without "repeating" it, the message having been telepathically induced by the source directly into the channel's (speech or writing) brain circuit. The channel is often not aware of the content of the message - this is known as trance channeling, or the channel is known as a trance medium.
(3) The source temporarily "takes over" the channel's entire being and uses it to deliver a message or to perform a task. Bystanders will often notice a change in the voice and/or facial features of the channel, or sometimes the source will (visually) manifest as a subtle "surrounding" of the channel's etheric body. This last example (#3) is a true overshadowing of the channel.
Various sources of overshadowing include deities, masters, and gurus. It is assumed that any source has been invoked or invited by the channel.
The eminent psychologist, Karl G. Jung, MD, read the works of Alice Bailey ("channeled" from the Tibetan master, Djwhal Khul) and wrote that her writings were remarkable and informative, but that her source was probably not a Tibetan master, but rather a symbolic emanation of her inner Self. In response, Alice Bailey wrote, "Perhaps Dr. Jung can explain how my inner Self sends me packages of incense from India."
After all is said and done, and the quaint tales have been told, it appears as if Dr. Jung was correct. We have direct experience of the fact that all manifestations (masters, gurus, even our external reality) are internal phenomena, projected via the human energy field onto the external, three-dimensional, holographic Matrix.
Another form of overshadowing is when a demon overshadows a person. In this case, a demon is defined as "an elemental spirit, a blind force of nature, without sentient, holistic consciousness." This is usually accomplished without invitation or permission from the person; such an event is called a possession and many horror films have been made on the subject. Several films claim to be based on actual events.
An exorcist must usually be summoned in order to drive the demon out of the person. Before 500 BC, this was the standard medico-spiritual diagnosis (and treatment) of most illnesses, and still holds true in many indigenous cultures. It is also possible that such demonic possessions are simply what we have previously defined, that is, the "demon" is nothing more than a repressed, subconscious, traumatic, emotional complex that rises into "possession" of the person's consciousness - A psychologist must usually be summoned in order to resolve the issue.
Sometimes, only institutionalization will solve the problem, and that's not really a solution (see Psychosis in any dictionary).
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