Solar Lodge - 1241 W. 30th St - Los Angeles - 1966
Solar Lodge - 2627 S. Menlo Ave - Los Angeles - 1968
The "Legendary" Jack Schwarz
rides the Burro in Mexico - 1990 ............. Shiva in Griffith Park, 1973
. . . . . . See documented year in the
Background ....................... Just before the Solar
Angel .working
Stanley Hotel - Estes Park, CO
Site of Flashdance I - September 26, 1984
House at The Stanley Hotel
The Flashdance I Temple - 1984.
One of many Spiritual and Shamanic artworks by Artemis
The Point (Kether) - Doorway to the Tao
©1990 by Artemis - Oil - 36" x 60" - Sold.
Another one of many Spiritual and Shamanic artworks by Artemis
Isis/Nuit - Doorway to the Goddess
©1995 - Oil - 48" x 36".
Flashdance II - Changeover of Global Affairs - Autumn Equinox, 1986
From Left to Right: Mont, Estar, Shiva, & Lightblazer (partially hidden).
Flashdance II
Left and Right: Estar - performing the Banishing Ritual.
Flashdance II
Evocation of the 4 Elements - Calling the Deva Lord of Fire in the South.
Flashdance II
Left - Lightblazer receiving the Rod of Initiation ./ Right: Receiving the Flame.
Lightblazer in Dhyana on the Magickal Island - 1986
Harmonic Convergence - at the Akashic Record, 1000 Oaks, CA
August, 1987
Left - Shiva applying the Rod of Initiation / Right: Lightblazer activating the Third Eye
Seventy-six people went through this Rite
Flashdance III - Timeshift - East of San Diego
Dawn, July 25, 1992
Left - Shiva performing The Invocation of Thoth
Right: Lightblazer invoking The Galactic Federation and The White Brotherhood.
Artemis with the Shamans
Left - Artemis with Shaman Rivas in the Amazon - 1995
Right: Artemis with 93-year old Medicine Man Hopi Elder & his wife at Hopiland - 2000.
Healing Dog
He eats negative energy.
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......- See the Ritualistic Motion.